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UN coordinator announces 24-mln-USD aid package for vulnerable groups in Lebanon

BEIRUT, Sept. 13 (Xinhua) — UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Lebanon Imran Riza announced on Friday a 24-million-U.S. dollar emergency aid package to support the country’s most vulnerable populations and those suffering from the ongoing Hezbollah-Israel conflict.
“Lebanon is grappling with multiple crises, which have overwhelmed the country’s capacity to cope,” Riza was quoted in a statement by the UN Information Center as saying.
“Despite our best efforts, only 25 percent of our annual appeal has been met,” Riza said, urging more support from the international community.
The statement noted that of the total aid fund allocated by the Lebanon Humanitarian Fund (LHF), 10 million dollars will be used for emergency relief for conflict-affected groups in south Lebanon, 13 million dollars for supporting vulnerable communities across the country, and the remaining 1 million dollars for assisting local NGOs in enhancing their response ability.
“The LHF has allowed us to support over 200,000 people, but this is still far from enough,” said Riza, warning that insufficient funding not only limits efforts in addressing immediate needs but also risks weakening preparedness efforts and capacity to deal with other urgent crises facing Lebanon.
In November 2023, in response to the escalation of hostilities on Lebanon’s southern border, the LHF allocated 4.1 million dollars to support preparedness and immediate response efforts for those displaced and in need. The rapid response was further bolstered in February 2024, when the UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund allocated an additional 9 million dollars to address the urgent needs of vulnerable populations, particularly in southern Lebanon. ■
